Vocalist Lucia Newell will sing a show at Crooners Supper Club Tuesday night. She’ll be joined by Joan Griffith (guitar, mandolin, bass, etc) and Clea Galhano (recorder) for a night of Brazilian music. https://kbem-od.streamguys1.com/kbem/20200616080219-LuciaNewellJoanGriffithCleaGalhanoatCrooners.mp3 Originally aired Monday, June 15, 2020 on the Morning Show with Emily Reese. More Posts for Show: The Morning ShowRead More
Singer Lucia Newell sings Carnaval! A Night in Brazil, Tuesday night at Crooners Supper Club with Clea Galhano on recorder, Joan Griffith on guitar and Gordy Johnson on the bass. She talked with the Morning Show about the night of Brazilian music. https://kbem-od.streamguys1.com/kbem/20200224113458-LuciaNewellCroonersCarnavalANightinBrazil.mp3 Originally aired Monday, Feb. 24, 2020 on the Morning Show with Emily...Read More