Jazz88’s Peter Solomon spoke with Brittany Tweed, Director of Financial Aid at Metro State University about what’s happened recently with FAFSA, some opportunities for financial aid, and details on an open house event at Metro State Monday, February 26th. Metro State University is an underwriter of Jazz88. https://kbem-od.streamguys1.com/kbem/20240213095819-FinalEditBrittanyTweed.mp3 More Posts for Show: The Morning...Read More
Studies indicate that students with diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds benefit from the role modeling provided by teachers who share their attributes, but BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, people of color) teachers are in short supply. Metro State University’s Urban Educator Program, located on their Minneapolis campus, is looking to help solve the problem, and we recently...Read More
Can a diverse teaching workforce improve student achievement in diverse schools? Metropolitan State University hopes to train a new generation of educators with their Urban Teacher program. Metro State’s Victor Cole spoke with Miss Margaret on The Morning Show Wednesday, October 26th. Hear their conversation with the player below. https://kbem-od.streamguys1.com/kbem/20221027143751-VictorCole_10_26.mp3 Originally aired Wednesday, October 26...Read More