Danielle Grant is the president and CEO of AchieveMpls. She talks about how AchieveMpls is helping students in the Twin Cities with college and career readiness during the COVID-19 pandemic. AchieveMpls also hosts EDTalks and the first talk of this season is on October 5. https://kbem-od.streamguys1.com/kbem/20200917074002-AchieveMplsCEOandPresDanielleGrant.mp3 Originally aired Thursday, Sept. 17, 2020 on the Morning...Read More
Craig Rice from the MSP Film Society talks about what’s showing at their Virtual Cinema. https://kbem-od.streamguys1.com/kbem/20200917072940-CraigRiceMSPFilmSocietyupdateofvirtualcinema.mp3 Originally aired Thursday, Sept. 17, 2020 on the Morning Show with Emily Reese. More Posts for Show: The Morning ShowRead More