
September 27, 2023
Trumpeter/composer John Raymond (above; R) was raised in the Twin Cities, but now spends most of his time between Bloomington, Indiana and New York. However, he’ll back in town on Friday, Sept. 29 at the Cedar Cultural Center to kick off a tour supporting his new collaborative album with S. Carey (above; L), Shadowlands. Jazz88...
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Braxton Haulcy (above; R), Executive Director at St. Paul’s WalkerWest Music Academy, and Ernest Bisong (above; L), a WalkerWest instructor and curator for the newest installment of their long-running Rondo Community Music Series, stopped by the Jazz88 studios to discuss this annual musical community event, how it comes together, and the different ways you can...
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Twin Cities-based vocalist and educator Dorothy Doring (above; L) has added a new chapter to the long story of her life as a musician. In the past couple of years, Doring has started writing her own songs and she’s ready to share them with the world. She’ll be playing at Metronome Brewery in St. Paul...
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