This is the week where we ask you to Voice Your Choice… for your favorite artist, and for your favorite jazz, roots and traffic radio service!
Pledges from 281 stalwart listener members have added up to $29,455 over the past four days. To keep on pace to achieve our $75,000 goal by this Saturday, we’re asking you to voice your choice now.
Renew your membership, become a new listener member or give an additional gift.
We have some great thank-you gifts including:
Passes to the Mpls.-St. Paul International Film Festival
True Stone Coffee Jazz88 Blend gift cards
3 extraordinary 10-CD jazz box sets (listen for artists and availability)
The Jazz88 fabric tote bag (while supplies last)
Thanks to Hi-Fi Sound, everyone who pledges is automatically entered into our drawing for a Sonos One Bundle Sound System for your home or office.
Your financial support at any amount makes you a partner in presenting the music you love.